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This is such an archaic practice and backward-looking proposal. Also, it is unclear as to what the impetus for this change is. Why after 26 years does anyone feel this is necessary? Is that information articulated in any documentation? If it is, it hasn't been disseminated broadly to the public. Lire davantage

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If you don't see what's wrong with this, then you haven't been following the growing concern about our wildlife and loss of habitats. Keep the ban and stop making our wildlife sport.

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This is absolutely barbaric and unnecessary. Please do not move forward with this proposal. Hunters do not need to train their dogs using live wildlife trapped only because they have been forced to roam in populated areas due to a lack of productive habitat for them. Lire davantage

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This has to be stopped. This is cruelty to animals beyond comprehension. We as humans are better than this.

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I am absolutely appalled by this !!! Surely we have more empathy than to allow this to continue !!! Barbaric & disrespectful … why do you think they banned fox hunting …

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We as humans have already done enough to ruin the environment including wildlife and their habitats. Coyotes come into urban areas because of habitat destruction. We should not be putting further barriers in their life to make their survival more difficult. Lire davantage

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This is not acceptable! Just plain cruel to have innocent wildlife to be used as pawns as a way to train dogs to hunt?!?! Are we kidding?? Are we really subjected our beautiful wildlife for these inhumane practices??? In todays time and in Canada! Quite shameful if this is voted in! Lire davantage

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Please do not approve this proposal. The licensing of these types of activities supports an unnecessary inhumane practice for sport. The government should not support this type of activity to be allowed by the general population; there does not appear to be any compelling argument to do so. Lire davantage

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This whole practice is incredibly inhumane! Now there’s going to be more licenses available and available for transfer so that many more prey animals will be trapped, ripped from their home to be caged indefinitely, or at least until a pack of dogs literally tears them to pieces? Lire davantage

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The proposed amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, and associated regulations, to allow for the issuance of licences of new dog train and trial areas, and to allow the transfer of licences is archaic, based on elitist tradition and promotes animal cruelty. Lire davantage

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Odd . An I can see this abusing land area . Also the migration of wildlife

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This is an inhumane and cruel amendment to allow the issuance of licences for new dog trial and train areas and the transfer of licences! In 1997, this type of archaic horrible treatment of wildlife was to be fazed out! Lire davantage

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I find this proposal very disturbing. I do not feel that holding wildlife “captive” for the purposes of training hunting dogs to be humane or an acceptable practise in 2023. Who will be monitoring each of these independent facilities to confirm that the captive wildlife will not be harmed? Lire davantage

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This is absolutely horrible and cruel. I thought that the practice of using hunting dogs to go after wildlife " in a controlled area" was supposed to be phased out about 20 years ago. Lire davantage

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This proposal is archaic. To allow for a clearly inhumane practice to be continued is so obviously the wrong direction for our government and hunting practices. While I don’t disagree with the practice of hunting, the sport has been moving towards more humane practices. Lire davantage

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This is an inhumane and totally unnecessary practice that should be phased out rather than expanded. What specific reasons necessitate the continuance of this practice? What benefits does it provide, and to who?

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I do not support the expansion of this program. Captive animals should not be condemned to a life of torture being pursued by hunting dogs in training.