I don’t know the value of…

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I don’t know the value of leaving a comment here, because the premier said that there is already a done deal on this and so consultation won’t matter, but I just wanted to add my voice to any that have strong concerns about removing bike lanes built for the safety of vulnerable users on Ontario streets. It seems the priority of the current government is to grandstand for their base, but there are severe implications for these vulnerable road users Intermingled with car traffic.

I fall into both categories. I drive a car and I ride a bike. I can see the balance needed but removing critical bike lanes on major roads that actually present realistic route options for leaving cars behind is backwards thinking. I for one am one of those people who no longer uses their car because bikes present a viable alternative that also impacts my health positively.

It seems as though this solution both affects transportation and healthcare. I have trouble seeing the value of removing bike lanes that can’t truly be replaced by car lanes for the use of political finger-pointing, base inflammation, or dead-cat swinging.