Bike lanes are a benefit to reducing traffic. As bike lanes take up less space then a car lane, and provide a separate flow for slower moving bikes, they reduce congestion and increase traffic flow.
The alternative of bikes taking an entire lane will only increase Gridlock and cost me more time, as for their safety and mine, they would be taking up an entire lane.
This bill is counter to its goal and we should be aiming to reduce cars on roads to reduce gridlock, instead of disincentivizing bikes. This could look like increased bike lanes, increased frequency and availability of public transit and reduced fares to incentivize it's use and promoting walkable cities, to reduce the need for cars, which will reduce traffic and gridlock and save me more time.
Having affordable and more frequent public transit would save me the most time, as I could be doing something else (emails, bill payments, organizational tasks) during my commute instead of it being spent paying attention to the road.
Submitted October 24, 2024 7:33 AM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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