Regarding this proposal ERO …

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Regarding this proposal ERO #019-9266

I am an avid cyclist. I work in the bike industry as a technician. I have seen so many bikes that have come into our shop because some driver ran over the bike. Now this government is planning to take away bike lanes and add more driving lanes? This is not going to reduce gridlock, as it has been historically proven in so many other countries over the years. Holland once tried to build their way out of gridlock this way, and their experiment failed miserably. More gridlock, more pollution, less money into the local economy (aka mom n pop shops) and a decline in the health of the population which put a strain on their health care system until it could no longer stand the strain and broke down. Much like our health care system is on the verge of failure, and yet this government wants to add more strain onto it with even more unhealthy people who don't exercise? Ludicrous! We need to get more people moving on safe streets, complete streets, where everyone's needs are met in a safe way. Painted lines on the road are not an answer either as they have been proven ineffective over time. Curb extensions that force cyclists out into main flow of traffic are just using human beings as traffic calming measures. What is needed, is to build more complete streets, to build communities that can have safe infrastructure for all users, not just the select ones in metal cages.