This is absolutely abysmal!…

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This is absolutely abysmal! Hands off local, municipal matters! This is a severe overreach and abuse of power for an issue that should rest in the hands of the City of Toronto, not the Province of Ontario. Overreach from the Province circumvents the democracy of Torontonians who elect our councillors and our mayor to make decisions of this nature - not the Premier. Time and time again, strong evidence proves that bicycle infrastructure DOES NOT cause congestion. It actually ALLEVIATES congestion. Once again, Premier Ford is going against all facts, evidence and expert opinion. Every year, Toronto experiences so many collisions between motorists (who often don’t even live in our City!) and cyclists. Listen to ONE of the victims and their families to understand just how detrimental removing protected cycling infrastructure would be. It is not worth the LIVES of citizens. Cycling over driving helps human health, the environment and the economy. Ripping out the current infrastructure and putting it on secondary streets is so costly and wasteful for a city that does not even have the proper revenue or financial support from the province to operate its basic services - some of which are way more important like shelters, for example. I cannot begin to understand why this Premier would put forward legislation that is so backward in nature. Look at any world class city and you will see that cycling has so many more benefits than driving. You are ruining our city and province. Get some education - listen to the experts, listen to your electorate! There is very little support for this initiative, especially among those who actually study this for a living. These one off bills that no one has asked for are so sloppy and ill advised, it seems like a child thought about and wrote them in an afternoon day dream. Shameful!