This framework, while…

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This framework, while representing an unreasonable overreach of the provincial government into municipal affairs as well as running contrary to the mandate of the Minister of Red Tape Reduction, is also premised on faulty information not supported by any evidence whatsoever.

The capacity of a roadway of mixed traffic is between 600 and 1600 passengers per hour. Given that for free flowing traffic, a lane occupancy of 12 cars per lane per mile (7.44 cars per lane per km) is required, and the average car occupancy is 1.4 persons, this means that the capacity of a free-flowing roadway occupied by cars is 10.46 persons per km per lane. At a speed limit of 50km/h, this results in a capacity of ~500 people per hour.

By comparison, a bike lane has a capacity of 7500-12000 persons per hour, depending on the width of the lane, making it far more efficient than a vehicle lane, with public transport coming in at higher capacities.

Given the above data, by removing or preventing bicycle lanes, the government would be actively increasing traffic congestion by reducing mode shift, as removing other options for transport forces people to use cars as a sole method of transportation, which will naturally be far in excess of the 500 persons per hour limit of free-flowing traffic.

The effect of this framework would be the exact opposite of its stated effect, and should not be adopted.