This is bill should not pass for several reasons.
One of the central themes and the title of this bill is "Saving You Time". I am unsure where the province is getting its data, but biking within the downtown core is one of the fastest ways to get around, not driving. There are many critical destinations within 5-10 km for many folks who live downtown, such as workplace, school, daycares, groceries, etc, that can be accessed by bike much faster than car and transit. Furthermore, to transport 100 bikes requires significantly less space than 100 cars. Another aspect of driving to a destination within downtown is finding parking. This alone can take 10-20 minutes. With a bike, there is no need to circle around the block several times as there is almost always a post available nearby the destination, as well as many BikeShare docks for those using city bikes. The transit in this city is often delayed, diverted, or decommissioned, leaving limited options to get around the city quickly. Travelling by bike within Toronto saves significant amounts of time, therefore this bill would hinder that progress that has been made.
Another aspect of this bill is "Recognizes that accidents and lane closures can worsen traffic congestion and impact the quality of life of Ontarians." This is correct. When there is a TEMPORARY reduction of a lane due to construction it often impedes the regular traffic because there is usually a lot of disorganization and lack of space for all users. Cyclists need to merge with ongoing traffic instead of having their own lane which does slow people down. Keeping bikes separate in a designating bike lane, allows for traffic to move much smoother, and keeps those using bikes safe. Cycling should be thought of as a mode of transport just like a car. Even if there are no bike lanes, people still need to use their bikes to get places; however without the right infrastructure, more accidents and congestion will happen. This bill that hinders the city to install bike lanes where necessary therefore could lead to more congestion and accidents due to reduced traffic flow and decreased safety.
We live in a city with an incredibly high cost of living. Cycling is a very affordable way to get around and for many, is all that they can afford. Many lower income folks who cycle as their main mode of transport rely heavily on cycling infrastructure to get places safely. Removing this infrastructure will put those who are already very vulnerable at an even higher safety risk.
We live in a time where our environmental impact should be minimized as much as possible. Not only is cycling an affordable and healthy mode of transport, it is one of the most "green" options aside from walking. We see the impact that poor air quality can have on citizens in very densely packed cities. Why encourage MORE CO2 emissions by prioritizing cars? This only makes the problem worse.
Doug Ford has said "Not everyone rides a bike to work". Well, not everyone drives a car to work either. We are a global city. There is no room for everyone to drive a car around. It is physically impossible. Removing and slowing development of alternate modes of transport is only going to make congestion worse. Making it more difficult to ride your bike will promote more people to resort to their car (if they are able to) putting more cars on the road, and more congestion. It is simple math. One cyclist can be one less car on the road. Alternatively, for folks who do not own a car, they may become increasingly dependent on local transit, putting more strain on the system, which may require more frequent buses/streetcars, and therefore more congestion.
Within this bill, the resources required to audit bike lanes so closely, and removing existing lanes would likely cost taxpayers on the order of millions. I thought Doug Ford was all about putting money back into the pockets of Ontarians? This kind of bill would do the exact opposite. So much money and time has been invested into current bike infrastructure in Toronto and we are finally making progress forward. To undo it all would be a huge step backwards and huge cost for taxpayers. Furthermore it was shown that after installation of bike lanes on Bloor St W, business INCREASED for many small businesses. Why would we want to take that away?
This bill should seriously consult existing data. It has been shown time and time again that increasing lanes for cars, will TEMPORARILY relieve congestion, but worsens it in the long term. The amount of bike users in this city has gone up, thanks to new infrastructure. This in the long term can IMPROVE congestion because more and more folks will feel safe to use the bike lanes and see how quick it is to get around, resulting in less vehicular traffic and LESS congestion. There is nothing environmentally sound about stopping bike lanes from being built, which should be a strong consideration in this era of climate change. Our city is too dense to accommodate everyone with a car; alternate modes of transport should be ENCOURAGED. The bottom line here is people need to get around by bike whether or not the government wants to admit it. This bill is an insult to those folks, and puts lives at risk. This bill should not pass.
Submitted October 24, 2024 9:45 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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