This proposal makes me so angry. It's short-sighted, bad for traffic, bad for cities, bad for the environment. How DARE Doug Ford try to take power out of municipalities' hands like this thinking the province knows what is best and trying to give his own government power that should be left to the neighborhoods and cities that are best equipped to make this decision.
As a driver, bike lanes keep people out of cars. I am sick of being surrounded by gridlock in Toronto where every vehicle has ONE person sitting and taking up space. As a cyclist and a driver I want there to be dedicated space for bikes so cars and bikes do not have to be in conflict to get to the same places. Everywhere a car wants to go in a city a bike wants to go too. Removing bike lanes only makes it likelier that a car and bike will be in a collision because there is no safe place for a bike to be. That's bad for everyone.
Why would we allow cars to park on major thoroughfares? Those corridors are best suited to moving traffic, people, along via transit, bike, or car. Letting cars stop and take up space is so much worse for gridlock than allowing moving vehicles like bikes and transit to move THROUGH.
Every bike trip is a win for traffic because it's one less car trip making more space for everyone.
Cars are the least efficient way to move groups of people. Cities should be able to prioritize bikes and transit. And they should be able to do it at the expense of cars. In a dense city like Toronto gridlock will never be better by allowing more concessions and ease to cars. Other forms of moving people are all so much better suited to the task.
The fact that Ford's government thinks they have the right to overreach power to make awful decisions such as this is atrocious. His hubris is sickening, conservatives love the idea of removing government and small government until something they don't agree with is popular and they're more than willing to add unnecessary cost and beaurocracy to block whatever it is. This is a waste of money, a gross power trip, a tragedy for the environment and people of the cities who have been begging for bike lanes for decades. I am absolutely livid at Ford for this one.
Submitted October 25, 2024 11:30 AM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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