The proposed act seems to overlook the broader societal and environmental benefits of promoting cycling infrastructure. Research has consistently shown that enhancing cycling infrastructure can lead to significant reductions in urban traffic congestion. Studies in multiple cities have demonstrated that adding bike lanes decreases traffic congestion by offering more sustainable transportation options, ultimately lessening the volume of cars on the road. Furthermore, cities with comprehensive cycling infrastructure, such as Copenhagen and Amsterdam, experience improved air quality, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and a higher quality of life due to reduced pollution and active transport adoption. Thus, bike lanes can actually support the government’s objective to fight gridlock, not hinder it, by encouraging a shift from car dependency to more sustainable modes of transport. Finally, the proposed legislation’s requirement for municipalities to gather data for all existing bike lanes involving lane reduction could impose undue administrative burdens, diverting resources from more impactful infrastructure projects.
I will ask the province to consider the following: The needs of certain road users, such as emergency responders, the disabled,the elderly, or tradespeople, who cannot use alternative modes of transport, are often cited as reasons to prioritize roads and highways over bicycle lanes or public transport. However, I would argue that these form a minority of road users. The majority of drivers on city streets are single occupant adults, commuting to or from their place of business. These drivers likely would take bicycles or public transit, if such methods provided equivalent convenience to driving. By reducing the number of these "drivers by convenience" (via viable alternatives to driving), we will actually be freeing up road space for the vulnerable users who actually have no alternative.
Submitted October 25, 2024 2:29 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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