This decision is so…

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This decision is so backwards it's embarrassing. There is no benefit to this and it's complete waste of taxpayer money, money that people worked hard to make, and this is just throwing it away.

There are already too many vehicles on the roads, but imagine the chaos of all the delivery bikes not having a dedicated lane. Does anyone honestly think putting those vehicles on the roads is going to improve traffic? Someone at the highest levels of government proposing an idea this shortsighted and counterproductive should be laughed out of the room. This is not a thoughtful, adult proposal.

Streets with two lanes already shrink to one because either people are parked or idling with their four way flashers on. Why penalize cyclists for this? The idea that cyclists are somehow more responsible for traffic than CARS is laughable.

How can the idea of tearing up almost brand new structures to make room for more cars thinking this will alleviate traffic be taken seriously.

More people will die. This is virtually guaranteed when you cram this many more vehicles into already limited space. Our government is meant to protect us , not put us in harm's way.

If the premier looked you in the face and asked if you thought this was a good idea you'd say it is? You could say that truthfully? You could say ripping up new and well made infrastructure that was paid for once with taxpayer money should be destroyed and once again paid by taxpayer money? How did the people who are supposed to represent us get so corrupt and willing to harm their own citizens? Willing to waste our money?

Would you ask 'who is going to benefit from this financially?' Or just ignore that obvious angle?

I could go on and on, because there are countless reasons why this is a terrible idea, but I would genuinely surprised if anyone is actually reading these and presenting this case to the Premier.