Dear Ontario Government
I hope you consider the people who are on bikes and bikes as an option for the city then this bill is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. There is currently a faint network of bike lanes that allow biking to be safe in our city and removing the bike lanes and not adding or limiting new ones will make my bike commute no longer viable. I work at three places requiring me to commute via bike, all three of which are on Bloor Street and Yonge Street. By preventing me from my bike by removing these lanes you remove the option for me to bike to work safely. I hope I don't show up as the next road accident on the street because of this plan you are implementing. But I don't know maybe there will be 7 cyclist deaths this year and if there are I hope you take responsibility for that. I also want to comment that businesses greatly benefit from bike lanes, all the places I work on those streets with bike lanes or near to bike lanes as had an increase in business. I have a lot of clients that come to my workplace via bike, and my workplace will incur severe losses because of your plan and I hope you will compensate for that if you go forward with this plan. Lastly, I want to comment that your plan will not fix traffic congestion, instead of bike traffic, all of those people will overcrowd the subway on Line 2 and Line 1 and overcrowd the streets with their cars. The space efficiency of cars is not useful to fix traffic congestion on the streets, the one lane for cars you will get back via this plan will just be filled once again because now you are not giving option for people to use their space efficient bike instead. In addition, drivers now thinking that the road is not congested will use the road (concept of induced demand) and fill up the road back to the congested levels they had before or even worse. It is like the same story is repeated over and over again and I hope that you will realize the error of your ways with this plan. I also think that this is a waste of taxpayer money, instead of bringing us actual solutions to traffic congestion, the Provincial government of all people is messing and destroying our road for cheap political gain from drivers when it won't even benefit drivers at all frankly.
In conclusion, Dear Provincial government stay out of Toronoto's local politics and frankly buzz off, and if you go forward with this plan, I will not vote for you. For the reasons I mentioned above this plan will not help anybody and frankly, it is a message to commuters in the city no matter what mode that you will always arrive late to your appointments. The Car is too slow and inefficient to drive around, The bike is not safe to ride on, and the TTC is too expensive and incurs frequent stoppages to be a serious alternative to anything. With this message, you are telling Torontonians to either get into a car (slow as it may be) or take a walk because there are literally no other viable means to get around
Submitted October 26, 2024 9:33 AM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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