The bike lanes are horrific…

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The bike lanes are horrific. They have taken an already terrible traffic situation and dramatically worsened it. The city contains very few bikers (~1% of traffic), the vast majority of whom are delivery and not commuting.
Every major city on the planet uses an intelligent system of timed lights and one way streets to INCREASE the flow of traffic. Toronto has an obvious war against cars, which was in evidence BEFORE the bike lanes.United one way streets. Lights time to make traffic not flow. Reduced speed limits in areas which do not merit it. Speed bumps in inappropriate places. In other words an attempt to solve problems that do not exist and the creation of one of the worlds worst traffic situations. Bike lanes make this significantly worse. They are dangerous. Oversized. And in abjectly silly places taking up vitally needed lane space. Not to mention the city is in winter 6 months a year and these lanes are hard to maintain and will go unused. The raised platforms which simply remove driving capacity are asinine. And ridiculously dangerous. Remove all of this idiocy immediately. Or maybe refund all of my property taxes as I can’t drive anywhere, there are no policing efforts to protect my property and loved ones and no efforts to make things better for the people who make the money to fuel this insanity. Remove them. Now.