The proposed law is an…

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The proposed law is an egregious overreach by the provincial government into matters that should be decided on SOLELY by municipal governments.

Not only that, but the proposal to limit or even remove bike lanes will endanger not only cyclists, also pedestrians and even motorists due to the loss of the traffic calming effect provided by bike lanes. Business along streets that either have bike lane plans cancelled or have existing bike lanes removed will also suffer; contrary to common rhetoric, businesses benefit from bike lanes. This has been confirmed by numerous academic studies, and the Bloor-Annex Business Improvement Area has already called this proposal "disastrous."

This proposal won't even accomplish its stated of reducing motor vehicle congestion - in fact, it will accomplish the opposite. In areas where safe bike infrastructure exists, cyclist volumes increase. These cyclists are often switching from driving to cycling, reducing the number of cars on the road. If bike lanes are cancelled or removed, these cyclists (or potential cyclists) will simply choose to drive if they don't feel safe on their bikes. And removing bike lanes won't speed up traffic - we've known since at least the 1930s about the phenomenon of induced demand and we've seen that phenomenon in action over and over again. The 401 is 18 lanes wide in certain parts (and needless to say, doesn't have bike lanes!) and is still constantly backed up. "One more lane" never actually fixes anything.

You lost the mayoral election you ran in A DECADE AGO now, Doug. It's time to either get over it, or try running for mayor again if you want the job THAT badly. And remember, Doug: The only solution to car traffic is viable alternatives to driving.