Re: Proposed amendment for Part XII, 195.2
This section of the bill is absolutely unacceptable. It spits in the face of municipal autonomy, democracy, and the will of the people that live in, and best know the city. Furthermore, the inclusion of this section in this bill is ridiculous, ideologically driven, and feels as though it's purposely included in an otherwise reasonable bill, because it WOULD NOT PASS ON ITS OWN.
I will link studies that suggest that replacing bicycle lanes with car lanes, or preventing the removal of bicycle lanes doesn't affect congestion, but honestly, those don't really matter, since it's the job, and interest of the CITY not the PROVINCE, to judge the efficacy of their roadway policy.
Even in the best-case scenario, where the city HAS made the correct judgement, in their decision of roadway management, this section ONLY SERVES TO INCREASE THE OVERHEAD AND BUREAUCRACY in an already mired process. This will ultimately just increase the money spent on justing stupid regulations.
I also have reasons to believe this section of the bill will be ultimately ineffective, but I'll keep those to myself, as a measure in case this horrendous regulation does go through.
It almost feels as though this bill is spitefully targeting Toronto, because of some sort of political feud between its mayor and Doug, AND US NON-TORONTO RESIDENTS ARE CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE.
To summarize, Part 4 of Schedule 4 of this bill should be omitted, as it sets a bad precedent, undermines the will of the people, undermines the intelligence and competence of city planning departments across the province, does not address the core issues behind traffic, and will increase government overhead, and waste taxpayer money adjudicating these requests.
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Submitted October 28, 2024 6:09 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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