This proposed bill is BAD…

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This proposed bill is BAD POLICY. It goes against years of extensive research on the many benefits of bike lanes, including the fact that safe bike lanes actually reduce congestion. Removing bike lanes and giving more space to vehicular traffic will encourage more people to drive cars, worsening congestion long-term. This is referred to as 'induced demand.'

As a result of induced demand, building Hwy 413 may ease gridlock initially, but it will lead to increased congestion in the long run. Just look at Hwy 401 -- how many additional lanes have been added over the years, yet it is still the worst highway in North America when it comes to gridlock!

Instead of wasting money on more roads that only feed the congestion problem, money should be invested in public transit which is more affordable to the general population and can be used by everybody. Not everyone drives (e.g., children, people with certain disabilities) and many people cannot afford to purchase a vehicle.

When you create more road space for cars, more people will choose to drive cars and these extra cars will clog up the roads. Conversely, when you create more infrastructure for cyclists (e.g. protected bike lanes) and improve public transit, people will choose cycling or taking transit instead of driving a car. These cyclists and public transit riders are actually freeing up road space for other drivers. It's simple geometry -- 50 individuals each driving their own personal vehicle takes up way more road space than 50 individuals riding on their own bicycles or 50 individuals riding in one single bus.

There is also data supporting the fact that bike lanes are good for businesses. The City of Toronto conducted an economic impact study of the Bloor Street bike lanes and found them to be beneficial for local businesses.

Additionally, Bill 212 is a huge overreach by the provincial government. Bike lanes are a municipal issue which the province should not interfere with.

BILL 212 IS BAD POLICY. It contradicts extensive research that SAFE BIKE LANES ACTUALLY REDUCE CONGESTION by giving people a viable alternative to driving a personal vehicle.

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