This is an egregious…

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This is an egregious overstep of provincial authority and a shameful display of political thuggery. Wasting my provincial income tax to rip up what my municipal property taxes paid for. This bill is nothing more than vendetta punishment for people who don't agree with this premier's " Beers, Betting, Speeding" agenda. All this legislation will do is force cyclists into traffic unprotected. It will result in injury, and death. It will not alleviate congestion in the slightest. This bill cites zero sources, zero statistics to even back this ludicrous claim. How then can this government plow ahead anyway? Unlike this bill, bike lanes in Toronto, and the rest of the province actually go through years of consultation and trial processes. Can the government say the same for any of its disaster bills that it continues to roll out? I ask the ministers and premier authoring this bill, if THEY would feel safe sending their children to ride down Bloor and University without lane protection. If they would answer no, then they have no right to remove this critical infrastructure, as a means of petty spite and manufactured outrage.