Look at any world class city…

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Look at any world class city, London, Paris, New York and you’ll see the majority of vehicles driving in the core are service vehicles with trades people, delivery vehicles and taxis. Those who live in the city don’t drive and those who live outside don’t dare to drive in. While I was initially opposed to the bike lanes that stretch across the Humber on Bloor, my view after walking this stretch daily between 8-9 in rush hour has changed. Now I shake my head at the endless stretch of cars with one person in them. No car pooling, no subway use. But honestly some days there’s lots of traffic during this time and other days almost none. It’s hardly predictable. The bike lanes aren’t busy which is a shame because they provide a safe way for many of these commuters to travel to and from work or school. The lanes definitely aren’t perfect but I want to see a thoroughly flushed out plan by the premier and the Ontario government before there’s a suggestion of removing them. I also want to see what the cost of removing them is and who bears the cost of their removal? If we remove them, will TTC use drop and more drivers flood the roads and congestion be equally as bad?
What incentives has the government given for those to ride a bicycle to work. Maybe like Europe we could be progressive and give employees the ability to lease a bike with pre tax dollars? Maybe it’s an E-bike and the employer can get an incentive to install charging stations for these employees to use as well. We can’t use the excuse of Canadian winters either as they just aren’t as cold or snowy anymore. On those days, take the subway. If we want to reduce congestion, let’s focus our efforts on public transit and getting the Eglinton line open and upgrade the Bloor line with the more modern Yonge line style trains.