This a a very disappointing…

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This a a very disappointing proposal, bike lanes have greatly improved my family's experience living close to a main road in Toronto. I haven't noticed a great change in traffic due to the lanes, the main congestion issue comes from construction blocking traffic in my area regularly.

The lanes make for a much safer experience as a driver, pedestrian and biker!! As a regular driver on Bloor, Avenue and Yonge, I no longer have to worry about sharing the lane with vulnerable bikers. As a pedestrian, the extra buffer that the bike lanes provide makes walking with my family safer and more enjoyable. We no longer have speeding cars and trucks 3 feet from the crowded sidewalk. There were several instances of cars jumping the curb before the separated lanes were installed.

I understand the need to try to improve commuting in the city, but this is a massive overreach for the province. There are other priorities that should be way ahead of this, ER wait times are something that my family has had to deal with, and would prefer millions of dollar to be spend towards doctors and nurses that removing infrastructure that was only completed this year!

Removing bike lanes is short sighted and will absolutely not improve commuting for everyone in this city, please reconsider this initiative.