This has to be the dumbest…

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This has to be the dumbest thing I've seen this backwards government propose. You're listening to the wealthy car owners that get stuck in traffic instead of the actual people and businesses in the area of bike lanes that have basically all vehemently been against this ridiculous proposal and waste of our taxpayers money. You know what improves traffic flow better than "just one more lane, bro"? Proper mass transit. If you build out the LRT's and subway system people would be less dependant on personal vehicles and those of us that do enjoy driving can do so with fewer people who HAVE to drive out if necessity due to inadequate mass transit.

I mean you have business coalitions tells you that their businesses are doing better since the bike lanes got brought in, you've got DECADES of research that proves induced demand is a very real thing, you've got a mayor that will fight this ridiculousness til the cows come home, and you've got actual experts in universities across the country saying this is a dumb idea. For God sakes. Stop pandering to your wealthy voter base and remember you *will* be removed for this kind of thing. Division politics is killing this country. Look at New Brunswick getting a liberal majority because instead of pandering, they actual ran with a strategy of "this is our plan and how we'll achieve it."

This conservative administration got in due to Ontario apathy. 43% of the population is all that voted, and you're angering MASSIVE amounts of people with your display of not caring about anyone but your wealthy voter base. My lifelong conservative father already told me unless you pump billions into our healthcare, he'll never vote blue again after he spent 14 hours in the emergency room last month. Is this government trying to shoot itself in the foot with making dumb decisions? Listen to experts, not your voting base. The people closest to you are all "yesmen", take some input from people who will tell it like it is.