I object to this proposal on many levels.
1. It is a disgusting overreach by the provincial government into an issue that is clearly the remit of locally elected city councils.
2. Removing bike lanes will make streets less safe for cyclists and drivers by forcing bike traffic to mix with cars.
3. It will not meaningfully reduce congestion, as indicated in the province's OWN REPORT on the matter.
4. It's a tremendous waste of money to remove bike lanes that already exist.
5. The number one reason for traffic is too many people occupying single occupancy cars, the most space-inefficient means of transportation. Get more people onto bikes and public transit, and you'll have less traffic.
6. We should be encouraging people to pursue active transportation like cycling. It's better for people's health, it reduces car traffic, and it reduces tailpipe emissions.
7. Side streets aren't practical for getting from place to place-- if they were, people would be driving on them.
8. The city and province are growing, and we can't just keep jamming in more cars. We're at the limit. The premier's ill conceived schemes to increase car use will just make traffic worse.
9. This feels like a cynical attempt at creating an election season wedge issue to drum up support from the suburbs. Cyclists and people who live in the city are collateral.
10. I get around in my car, on my bike, by foot, and by public transit depending on which is most convenient. I avoid driving if I can. It's a pain. I resent the government actively making my transportation options worse.
11. The whole bike lanes thing is a distraction from the horrible 413 project, which this bill attempts to ram through without following due process.
12. The premier should resign and run as mayor if he wants to spend time on trivial nonsense like this instead of, for instance, fixing our decrepit public health system.
Submitted November 1, 2024 11:03 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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