I am not a bike rider, but I…

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I am not a bike rider, but I totally oppose this bill, for many reasons

First as a tax payer, I don't approve you use my money to rip out a project that we already spent thousands of dollars on . Again my tax money.

Secondly, although I am a car driver, I know that these lanes have made it easier and safer for bike and vehicle to share the road. Before these lanes where placed it was a mess. The fact is you remove the lanes, these bike commuters will still use these roads. Many their only means to get0 about. They used to do it before the bike lanes and it was a miserable experience for all. They will continue. Because these roads identified, are the centre of the city ..

Toronto, unlike other Ontario cities has a growing number of bike rides that utilise their bikes as means of commuting, not as luxuries & recreation like the urban areas. It's a greener, economically Viable for those who can't afford buying a car or two, less time wasted in finding parking in downtown ( which discourages many from going downtown) and now with the bike lanes it's so much safer. You see families commuting this way.

It doesn't make sense, that the core of Toronto loses the lanes, as it is already very challenging to visit these businesses on these roads with limited transportation alternatives.
Toronto needs to give it's expanding population more safe alternative means of transport, rather than limit it.
Everyone loses when people don't have choices .

Finally, I am proud that my city has a growing number of bike lanes. I personally don't use them, but atleast I know that those who chose to use them are safer.
There alternative solutions, to the grid lock downtown, like encouraging more hybrid work days .. (an amazing work concept that I wish I had when my family was younger), allocating no car zones downtown..solely buses and non-motorised means of transport , allocating essential workers only access to downtown, everyone else uses public trans. Or bikes, walks scooters in ...

There are alternatives out there to our problems , let's look at what other cities in the world have done. Please don't throw good money after bad on same project just because the political colours of the day have changed. Let's have continuity , so we succeed as a city .
