Hi, I am a 20 year old…

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Hi, I am a 20 year old economics student at Guelph that works in London in the summer. I occasionally bike to school or work because I need to share a car with my sister. This is a common situation for people my age because extremely few families can afford 4 cars for a household. I am fortunate that my route to work has a multi-use path because there are not enough bike lanes for me to safely get to work. Thankfully, the cities of London and Guelph are improving their infrastructure but I am afraid that this bill would drastically slow progress because of increased beurocracy and red tape. Finally here is a summary of key points:

-Bike lanes allow freedom of transportation for people of all ages
-Biking drastically decreases people's cost of living
-Bike lanes protect citizens and make cities safer
-Biking is the healthiest form of transportation
-Every bike on the road is one less car in traffic
-You can't judge the ridership of a bike lane if there isn't a network
-Beuraucracy makes governments less efficient and more expensive

Thank you.

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