This is an indefensible…

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This is an indefensible piece of legislation, on multiple fronts.

Building highways to reduce congestion has been proven time after time to fail. Paving over the Greenbelt has negative downstream impacts on existing infrastructure, the environment, and the food supply. Investing in regional rail, high-speed inter-city rail, and local communities can alter travel modes in more sustainable and desirable ways.

Bike lanes are an effective, sustainable intervention that encourages the active transportation of residents and visitors alike. Not only can it improve safety, reduce travel times, and clean up the city's air - it is also a cost-effective system (unlike car oriented roads, which carry far fewer people and need to be replaced far more often).

Bill 212 not only fails to achieve what it intends to do - it actually harms citizens, overrides local democratic structures, and costs far too much money. I understand that Doug Ford has little interest in courting citizens of Toronto or NDP or Liberal inclined voters - but this bill does not even adhere to the principles of conservatism.

Burning money so Doug Ford doesn't have to see a bike on his drive to work is foolish and wasteful.

Please protect the farmers, the food supply, the commuters, the democratic system and respect the citizens, residents, visitors, and taxpayers of Ontario by voting against this bill.