Your government IS proposing…

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Your government IS proposing a Anti-Bike legislation (you can say it isn't, but that's simply not true if anyone takes the time to read the bill or hear how you talk about it). Your legislation is saying the safety of cyclists is not important and your government would rather waste money to remove or prohibit bike lanes so that more cars can be put into roads to further grow the gridlock that's literally being caused by cars in cities across Ontario. You are placing safety secondary to the idea that cars MIGHT be able to gain a few seconds of travel time back (which according to data is not factual... but that's another story).

You are planning to pass a legislation that will literally remove and prevent future bike lanes (which save lives and gives safer travelling routes) so that more cyclists can get hit, be injured and DIE. Car drivers will have higher chances of accidentally injurying cyclists because they won't be safely separated or have dividers between them. This is literally the OPPOSITE OF "COMMON SENSE"!!!

Damn. You all must live on another planet or something. Read the room... No Ontarian wants this. No one wants higher chances to kill a person OR be killed! It's not controversial. Bike lanes are important. We want more of them built. Absolutely under NO circumstances should you be removing existing bike lanes. More should be build to keep people safe in the future. Do you remove pedestrian walkways when you don't visibly see large crowds constantly walking on them when you drive by? No. Because replacing a pedestrian walkway with a regular road lane would kill more pedestrians. It's NOT "common-sense." Why do you think it is any different for bike lanes? You get rid of bike lanes or don't provide enough access to them, it simply means more people will die.

This bill is so gross on so many levels. No car or commute time is more important than human life!

No highway is more important to speedily build than the proper insurance of our environments safety and longevity. No government should be able to claim another property owners land as their own all willynilly like you propose here either.

Stop your corrupt and immortal shenanigans!

Vote NO to this legislation.