Reducing gridlock is a great…

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Reducing gridlock is a great goal. With a growing population, when everyone drives, one more lane, on any street, is useless. Leave the existing bike lanes (make them better even) and many more people will opt to cycle instead of drive, which eases congestion on the road and reduces gridlock for drivers. Once you remove bike lanes from major roads, then biking will take too long and people will drive instead. That puts more cars back on the road. Good bike lanes can support 1000s of bikes (the lanes need to be good, continuous, and SAFE though!) and this removes 1000s of cars from the road. Bad, discontinuous, or no bike lanes, puts everyone back into their cars. So this proposal is actually doing the opposite of what you want it to do. This proposal is INCREASING gridlock and not saving anyone time. Bloor and Yonge are major business streets on which there is a lot of foot traffic and movement of all kinds. Allowing for more foot traffic and bikes means less people choose to drive, and those who drive can move freely without congestion or gridlock. This is not my opinion, it is proven (see linked 2024 findings). Ontario has a chance to solve the problem of congestion and also be the lead on this in North America, since we already have some of the infrastructure in place. Just keep going. Chuck this bill, it does not do what you want it to do.