Hi - just wanted to express…

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Hi - just wanted to express concern for this bill. I'm a motorist, I sometimes cycle, I take transit and I sometimes walk. I believe the best path forward for our province is to provide road users with options. Ripping cycling infrastructure out of the ground to add back one car lane is not going to have any form of meaningful impact on motorist commute times. Removing hundreds or thousands of cars from the roads by providing commuters with alternative transportation options will. Our province is growing at an incredible pace - traffic is only going to get worse. The only long-term solution to congestion is to invest heavily in public transit and cycling infrastructure. There is not enough physical space in our cities to add more roads for more cars. This is common sense.

Lastly - there's the fiscal part of this. I'm shocked that a "fiscally conservative" government would recommend removing existing cycling infrastructure at the tax payer's expense, when the majority of that infrastructure (especially in Toronto) is quite literally brand new. This a shocking waste of money and resources and frankly disrespectful to the residents of municipalities who have already paid for it, already lived through the construction and now need to pay to remove and repave all those roads all over again. Really awful, inappropriate and wasteful thinking here.