To Whom it May Concern, I am…

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To Whom it May Concern,

I am incredibly concerned about this bill. I am a car-lover and also an avid biker for getting around my region of Kitchener-Waterloo. As someone who appreciates driving, I think this bill is going backwards and is a lousy pander to suburbanites in attempt to earn votes.

If the goal is to reduce congestion, bikes are a fantastic solution that should be ENCOURAGED. Less cars on the road is the only way to reduce gridlock. As we have seen in the terrible experiment that plagues us all, the widening of the 401 has had diminishing returns and clogs up as soon as that magic new lane is opened. When I want to drive, I appreciate that others are choosing to bike so that I can get where I need to when I need to. A mixed approach of biking, transit and personal auto travel should be options when we all pay for the infrastructure.

Not to mention the hilarious greenwashing Ontario ads I have seen during Sunday football as of late. Airing ads like this while demolishing brand-new bike infrastructure is remarkable.

As cars become increasingly unaffordable for the average individual, bikes are a fantastic substitute. I guarantee there are many people in office who order food from users of bike infrastructure.

To conclude, as a concerned driver and biker who believes more options are the solution to reduction of traffic, I believe this heavy-handed legislation and overall appalling infrastructure planning from Ontario as a whole is pathetic. Decades of short-term planning continue to create messes for the long-run success of this province, and I see this bill as evidence that there is no stopping this for the future.

Thank you for reading my concern,