I recognize that this…

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I recognize that this proposal is intended to improve travel and delivery speeds, and ease of use within Ontario, specifically on Bloor street, andvUniversity, and Yonge avenue. I also understand that an increased capacity within a network will result in greater individual cost due to an increased demand on the system, what is called Braess's Paradox; and that while this concerns unduced demand, it also includes (See: Bittihn & Schadschneider 2020). For these reasons, I won't mince words. Unless you want greater stress while driving through Toronto, this proposal will not accomplish anything other than removing modes of transportation that could alleviate the congestion of vehicles on the street.

I heard your suggestion earlier Mr. Ford that you would prefer them to be on sidestreers. Unfortunately due to the aforementioned Paradox, this won't improve traffic or time. Construction and accidents, when they happen, currently occupy the bike lanes.

Having more lanes will only result in them reducing the number of lanes and increasing traffic as people attempt to merge, to literally funnel traffic.

Lastly, I do not know what the increase in internet broadband as per bulletpoint three has anything to do with this proposal.

Unless your desire is more traffic, your proposal, in lieu of these poor reasons, will do nothing but aggravate the system you're attempting to help. Unless you don't believe in your words and just want problems for everyone, then it would be good to seriously reconsider this proposal.