I am absolutely stunned by…

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I am absolutely stunned by this proposal.

There are so few safe routes for bikes to take across the city - these being some of the key ones - and now there's plans to remove them?

I am sick to death of the backwards mentality of this city when it comes to bike transportation. It doesn't take much to see that if you build proper bike infrastructure, they will come.

This notion that bike lanes aren't being used enough to justify them is because the existing network is so few and far between, so poorly maintained and so unsafe in parts that many people are simply put off.

You are chastising bike lanes for their lack of use BECAUSE of your own failures to bring Toronto in line with the rest of the world's minimum standard offered to current and prospective cyclists.

I take the longer route to work to ensure I can stay on a bike lane because I don't feel safe elsewhere. The other month I was knocked off my bike within seconds of leaving said bike lane by a driver who wasn't looking. My thought since has been: how often would that kind of thing happen if I didn't have that bike route at all? How much worse could it have been? That's the fear you'll be condemning so many Torontonians to if you remove the paltry start this city has made to its cycling network.

My partner and I are immigrants and young professionals who have lived here for a combined 14 years. It's proposals such as this that will decide wether we choose to move on to a city that isn't as egregiously shortsighted and backwards as this motion suggests Toronto is.