Respectfully, I disagree…

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As a resident of Ottawa, ON, I respectfully disagree with Doug Ford's proposed Bill 212, for at least the following reasons:

Not only do bike lanes support the reduced greenhouse gas emissions that follow a commuter shift from cars to bicycles, but quality domestic and international data* on bike lanes shows that they decrease car congestion and even commute times, rather than increasing them, e.g. by providing a safe alternative mode of transportation. Indeed research shows that more lanes for cars ultimately shifts more drivers to the roadway ('induced demand'), which undermines the proposed supposedly anti-congestion strategy, and adds to emissions.

Importantly, protected bicycle lanes reduce cyclist injuries and fatalities, and effectively calm motor vehicle driving. Additionally, as car traffic shifts to bicycle traffic, there is increased cyclist shopping at area businesses, with tangible benefits to the local economy.

* References: For example, please see the CBC news article of 22-October-2024, and references therein.

Thank you for your consideration.