I do not believe eliminating bike lanes will improve traffic times.
If biking is no longer a safe option, then those people may resort to driving or taxi/uber. Increasing road congestion another way, rather than their perceived congestion occupying the bike lanes.
I no longer live in the city core, but when I did, I would never ride my bike as I felt unsafe with the already limited bike lanes. My cousin and best friend, however, live in the city and both would consider their bikes to be their main mode of transportation. Both have also been involved in accidents. Lucky for them, relatively unharmed. Such accidents will only increase without more protected bike lanes and the potential removal of already built bike lanes.
Reading that the well established bike lanes on Bloor and Yonge and University are vulnerable to this purposed bill; I feel this is a kick at the knees to all the progress made towards making Toronto safe for cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians.
I don't doubt the immense planning and unique considerations which go into city planning, particularly transportation. I am a voter who would greatly consider a candidates stance on making my city safer for all modes of transportation, and improving infrastructure to promote a healthier and greener way of living. It becomes disheartening when the decisions of someone I voted into office are delayed, dismissed, or reversed by a group outside the limits of the city.
I do hope all the comments on this bill are considered genuinely. The proposed red tape against a developing a city to meet the needs of the people is concerning to many. More so, in my opinion, than the insignificant traffic delays the bike lanes are accused cause.
Submitted November 4, 2024 10:31 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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