I am deeply troubled about BILL 212 which if enacted would be a huge step backward in the transition to Green transportation at this critical time when climate change, and global warming are an ever increasing threat to our very survival on planet Earth. Livable cities demand that we reduce our dependence on fossil fuel powered cars, and encourage alternative means of transportation, bicycles being a major part of the solution to gridlock and pollution from too many cars. I am a Toronto resident, homeowner, taxpayer and avid cyclist, who has been encouraged by the number of bike lanes installed in recent years. It has made a tremendous difference to biking safety, and rider confidence, and the number of cyclists has increased dramatically as a result. This change will certainly continue as more people get fedup with gridlock, and the hassle and expense of owning and driving a car in the city.
In conclusion, I STRONGLY OPPOSE BILL 212, and the meddling of the provincial
government in municipal affairs. I support the maintenance of existing bike lanes, and the installation of more bike lanes as a means of reducing gridlock, and pollution, getting to your destination faster, and getting excercise as well. It’s a win, win, win, solution.
Submitted November 4, 2024 11:56 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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