The science is overwhelming…

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The science is overwhelming. The precedent in other countries is obvious. The rhetoric being used to justify this bill is nonsensical.

Bike lanes do not cause traffic. They alleviate traffic by providing a more efficient alternative. This is blatantly obvious to anyone that has ever been in the Netherlands or Paris or Copenhagen or any other city that dedicated itself to improving its bike infrastructure. These cities move more people with less road space than we do in Toronto. See any NotJustBikes video for more information.

Doug Ford is a bad conservative. He claims to value individual freedoms over government overreach, but has committed himself to massive overreach of provincial power to exercise specific control over one city's road use. Let municipalities make their own decisions and keep provincial power provincial.

I have a job opportunity on Bloor. I was so excited about it, but now it's tainted with fear the I might not be able to get there safely and efficiently.

Vote NO on Bill 212