The Conservative government…

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The Conservative government claims to stand for fiscal responsibility, and yet is planning to waste Ontario taxpayers money to rip out bike lanes that have only recently been installed (and which had considerable cost associated with their creation in the first place). This also greatly oversteps the provincial governments role by interfering with municipalities ability to control their own activities. How does it make any sense to waste Ontario taxpayer money, to undo something built with municipal tax dollars, and that is popular in the cities where it was implemented.

This at a time, when the whole world should be supporting sustainable transportation (Toronto does not need more single-occupancy vehicles) to fight climate change. Not to mention that it is actively against the will of the people it claims to support (see supporting link), and against all fact-based evidence to the contrary.

The entire enterprise is frankly absurd, and is another fantastic example of the Ford government's blatant corruption and pandering to their base instead of governing for ALL of the people of Ontario. I pray that the people of Ontario come to their senses and vote out this government before we regress any further.