Thank you to all who have been involved in formulating and tabling legislation via bill 212 with regards to the dystopian mayhem that has been created via the ill thought out bike lane mess in the city of Toronto.
Aside from the fact that the planning and then poorly designed install of the massive amount of bike lanes in the City of Toronto was done without any regard for due process, finances, or any regard for thoughtful design and much needed analysis, the bike lanes have caused major issues in the City of Toronto that are far too numerous to list. But to name a few things: the lanes are unsafe, poorly designed, present huge risk to all of the users of the roadways and are foundationally responsible for many things that the loons who came up with the plan either failed to or intentionally were unwilling to consider.
Toronto will never be London England or Paris France as one loon who had been a former mayoral candidate had pitched as being part of the genesis of the bike lanes, but be it basic geographically vast differences, the fact is the weather in Toronto is not conducive to year round cycling and even in nicer weather the usage of the lanes is minimal. And Toronto most certainly could never be the Netherlands topographically or otherwise.
I recently read some of the financial information that can be tied to the implementation of the lanes that have appeared all over the city and just these numbers alone it is appalling to think of how much money the City of Toronto has wasted and those are the numbers that can be quantified. Much harder to try to quantify and tally are the numbers associated to things like: risk to lives via accidents as result of these unsafe lanes, risks to human life due to emergency vehicles being unable to navigate in traffic, health impacts and financial repercussions as result of gridlock and C02 emissions, reputational risks that have been created due to the lunacy of these bike lanes and the economic impacts to businesses that one cannot even begin to analyze and tally.
Maybe instead of the finger pointing that has gone on by the political loons who have been responsible for this mess maybe they could redirect their deflection to focus on fixing all the issues with the TTC so that people could have a reliable and efficient option for commuting via mass transit within the city. And maybe these same free wheeling spenders could be also be held to account for the mess they have created.
I fully support the implementation of Bill 212 and applaud the Government of Ontario for stepping in. Toronto is after all the Capital of the Province and the economic hub of the country and if it takes the Government of the Province to step in to correct course; then Bravo.
Please ensure that the bike lanes that have been installed on the major roadways in Toronto are removed with haste and please also help ensure via Bill 212 that before any new proposal is made for bike lanes is reviewed and fully vetted by the Provincial Ministry in charge of all things transportation in the Province. If Toronto is to be a world class city it requires sound leadership and judgement and as is now apparent, requires oversight to help ensure that Toronto is a viable place to live and conduct business in.
Thank you
Submitted November 6, 2024 10:52 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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