Although I am extremely supportive of cycling and supporting safe cycling routes, it cannot be an overnight step change that literally upends people’s commutes and impacts local business revenues. Most people impacted by the needless (and horribly unflexible) bike lanes on Bloor are families. It is those people working hard day to day trying to get to and from work, to pick up a child and get them to after school activities. As one person in that group, I promise you there are enough stressors not to have to deal with a commute time that is doubled to get to and from work, drop one’s child at math tutoring or hockey (with all the gear), or get to the dentist. Our commutes for afterschool activities have increased 3-fold and are simply not viable by bike nor public transit given where we are and lack of regular options. When there are other options for clean commuting that are reasonable for the masses then, it might be time to consider bike lanes. Until then they should be removed until proper planning and solutions are in place. Please remove the Bloor Street bike lanes west of South Kingsway.
Submitted November 8, 2024 1:18 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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