I cannot state strongly enough my opposition to this bill.
First, the provincial government dictating to cities where they may place bike lanes is asinine. There is no need for the province to interfere on this level.
Second, and most importantly, bike lanes do not increase congestion. They simply don’t. I beg of you to speak to experts who study traffic flow, urban planning, traffic safety.
They remove cars from roads. They increase safety for both cyclists and drivers, they make it easier to navigate roads. By removing bike infrastructure you are simply encouraging more cars to use the same roads. It will INCREASE congestion.
Finally, the bike lanes have already been installed. Using taxpayer funds. And now the plan is to spend MORE taxpayer funds to remove what has been paid for?
This bill is beyond ill-advised. It’s dangerous. People will be injured or killed as a result. It’s wasteful. It’s regressive. It should be shelved and efforts should be redirected to finding alternate ways to reduce congestion. Cities are not built for cars. There are other, better ways to move about an urban environment. This government would be well-advised to explore them.
Submitted November 13, 2024 11:05 AM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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