This proposed bill is…

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This proposed bill is absolutely galling. It is a culmination of the petty tyrant characteristics embodied in our Premier. In what world does this fall into the category of provincial responsibility at all? It's a slap in the face to all Ontarians who live in Toronto AND all those who don't. For Torontonians like myself, it's a clear overreach of provincial power and petty meddling because god forbid the drive to Queen's Park for people like Dougie and his buddies (aka ministers) is sometimes slow. For non-Torontonians, it's a slap in the face because why the hell are their hands being tied to develop bike lane infrastructure in the future and why the hell are they on the hook for the cost of bike lane removals in Toronto?

Removing bike lanes and limiting the ability for future bike lanes to be built is going to kill people. This is not hyperbolic, this is true. Toronto's streets are already so dangerous for non-drivers. Removal of these bike lanes will not only deter people from biking, but the people who still will because it's literally how they live are going get hurt or killed. People who live in cities deserve mobility. It doesn't seem like I'm saying anything controversial. People who live in cities deserve not to get pancaked by the Premier on his way to work on the 10 days in a year he is actually in the office. Cities in 2024 run on bike delivery as well-- are the Ontarians who do these vital jobs valued so little? Is the trade-off really a more convenient commute in exchange for their lives?

Not to mention that the lack of evidence behind the reasoning for this Bill. The gridlock which is clearly driving our beloved Premier up the wall are not a result of bike lanes and they won't go away when the bike lanes are gone. If anything, congestion will increase as people who would've biked will be in cars. Also, the Toronto congestion stems from the highways, it's on the highway ramps to enter and exit the city. It was for a long time due to a STILL UNFINISHED Eglinton crosstown LRT. And honestly, who gives a shit about congestion in Toronto? Yeah, there is traffic and slowdowns when you are moving through, in, and out of the biggest city in Canada. No shit! This is an economic, financial, cultural, political capital. So long as that keeps being the case, there is going to be gridlock and congestion on our roads and highways.

This is not a real public problem, there are individual solutions people can take to overcome this. Hey Dougie, hop on a bike! Take the TTC! Maybe then you'll see how the other half lives. Maybe then you'll see that more than anything this city needs funding to make sure options other than driving are seen as viable to eliminate congestion -- which would also eliminate car pollution and make our streets safer for everyone as well.

This government hates us. They hate everyone who isn't directly related to them or lining their pockets. In my lifetime I've never seen a more blatantly corrupt government in office. Their priorities are so disgusting - Our healthcare system is falling apart at the seams but hey at least there are more dangers around! Alcohol on every corner and drivers that will injure or kill us on our bikes. Good thing our healthcare system is well-equipped to handle how many more people it will have to serve thanks to this government's god-awful policies and legislation.

I can't wait to vote them out soon. I will be campaigning strongly to make sure they lose the next election.