Bike lanes, particularly those in the City of Toronto, reduce gridlock by taking cars off the road.
I know this because it's true for me. I own a car and a bike and when I have the opportunity to do so, I use my bike for my commute from Bloor and Dovercourt to Yonge and Dundas. My car is off the road and I am using the bike lanes to safely get to and from my office.
The challenge for most cyclists or those aspiring to become cyclists is the feeling of safety on the road. Physically separated bike lanes give commuters options to not use their cars, which many like me do. And they keep cyclists safe. Being safer and feeling safer encourages more people to use their bikes more often, thus taking even more cars off the road.
Just the notion that the Government of Ontario would choose to make citizens less safe makes my stomach turn.
This bill needs to remove the sections related to the bike lanes on Bloor, Yonge and University.
Submitted November 14, 2024 4:16 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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