I am a resident of Bloor West who travels by car and by bike, and I do not support the removal of the lanes on Bloor, Yonge and University. More fundamentally, I am concerned about provincial reach into municipal affairs and the continued specific hyper focus on Toronto.
I commute into downtown by bicycle multiple times and have increased my use of this mode of travel specifically in line with the safety of the infrastructure. My health is better for it. Even with the new infrastructure a car almost hits me almost every journey - and I am extremely well lit and visible.
I will not stop riding without the lanes, but I do become exponentially more likely to need the province to pay for expensive and long term emergency health care and disability costs.
I fear for my safety and those of the families, small children, seniors, and delivery workers all using the lanes. Over the past year - year round - we are frequently 20+ ppl waiting at a light - and yet taking the space of about three cars.
Is it safe to assume that by removing lanes, against all data to the contrary, you will also be banning parking, directing all police services to prioritize traffic enforcement, paying for municipalities to increase bylaw enforcement and ticketing of those who stop illegally and slow traffic.
How will you respond when a driver uses their vehicle as a bowling ball and decides that people on bicycles are inconveniences and purposefully drives into them. This will happen.
You know this will save no one any time - it will slow everything down - and that ridership is significantly above 1% in the neighbourhoods served by the lanes. Even if not, shall we create a list of things only 1% of the city uses and also stop them?
If you proceed, I will be taking my lane, ignoring all horns, and using the road space I pay for with taxes, and hoping I make it to work and back home alive.
Submitted November 15, 2024 11:06 AM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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