I think this is a gross…

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I think this is a gross overreach of the provincial government and I will certainly not vote for any government who thinks it is their job to tell municipalities what to do with bike lanes.
We are in a climate crisis - we need more ways to promote travelling by bike and transit not fewer
Car drivers are persons with privilege - so this plan is also not equitable (for those that need to travel by bike)
Bike lanes increase safety for both car drivers and cyclists
If you remove the lanes the bikes will travel along the most direct route anyway and lives will be lost
These are not important issues at this time and this Bill is just distracting people from the issues which are really important which include: health care, education, and climate action
I am ashamed that this government, after spending tax payers dollars to cancel contract early so that we can buy beer and liquor in convenience and supermarkets, is now going to assign funds to removing bike lanes which can be best spent elsewhere- this is absolutely ridiculous.
Lets focus on the real reasons for traffic congestion in Toronto - insufficient and unreliable public transit, ill timed lights, construction delays, lack of enforcement of cars and trucks parked in no park zones, bad drivers,.