I am a 70 year old cyclist…

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I am a 70 year old cyclist who rides my bike confidently around on our town streets and out on the country roads. I don't ride on the sidewalks as some people do out of fear of traffic, much to the annoyance of pedestrians. There would be more cyclists and fewer cars on the roads if we had safe bike lanes. I lived in the Netherlands before retiring in 2014 and there I rode my bike to work every day along superb bicycle paths that were on every major street in every town and city. The Dutch drivers respected cyclists and likewise the cyclists rode in harmony with traffic because they had safe designated lanes for their exclusive use and traffic flowed easily.

Upon our return to Canada I was appalled at the car culture and lack of infrastructure that promoted active transportation, healthy living and cleaner air. Not to mention the cost savings of riding a bike instead of driving.

I am shocked that the Ford government wants millions of dollars spent on tearing out cycling lanes in Toronto and make it more difficult to include them in other municipalities. This is such retrograde, low level thinking and doesn't make any sense at all. Bike lanes don't cause traffic congestion. Cars do!
If Ontario is going to be a leader in the 21rst century it will have to include more bike lanes! I do not support Bill 212 in any iteration. I will NOT be voting for a government that passes this kind of legislation.