I believe this Bill is…

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I believe this Bill is exceptionally short sighted and will be a massive generational mistake. I understand if the province wants to give less funding for public transit and bike infrastructure (even if I disagree with that strategy and think it is part of what has led to this congestion hellscape in the first place), but I cannot fathom why the Ford government believes that it's a good idea to dictate how individual cities design their streets.

Study after study has shown that if you want to improve congestion in and through our cities the most effective way to do that is by giving people reasonable alternatives to driving. That is what the city of Toronto and other cities around the province have been doing, and now this government wants to take away all of that progress in a clear bid to get more motorist support for the coming election. My news flash to Doug Ford is that the short term support he may gain will drain away pretty quickly when absolutely nothing is improved from these changes.

I cannot say that I am always a fan of conservative policy, but I voted for Ford because I believed he would improve the lives of the average Ontario resident. If this change goes through that trust will be broken, and I can promise that I will never consider voting for a conservative government again so long as I live. I have many friends who feel the same way. This is not a small issue to us, it is a matter of road safety, of city autonomy and of climate consciousness all wrapped into one.

I humbly and sincerely ask that this proposal be reconsidered before we send cycling infrastructure back 30 years.

Yours truly,
A hopeful yet concerned voter