Complete disagreement with…

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Complete disagreement with this proposed legislation.

This is not the solution to traffic problems, fewer cars is ... also a major example of Government over-reach into municipal affairs. Those without best knowledge making uninformed decisions that will end-up costing the taxpayers LOTS of money to accomplish NOTHING and in fact make things worse. Where I live they are making an effort to make the City more bike friendly and this is being done without any impact on current traffic flows. This bill just add more bureaucracy to the process which will either stop progress but if not, will certainly slow it down and make it more costly.

Toronto is the problem, not the rest of Ontario so for those who do NOT live in the GTA, why are you making laws province wide that extend to areas where this is NOT a problem.

From an environmental perspective it also just seems inappropriate.

Anyways, for what it is worth those are my comments ... complete disagreement and I think this bill just should not go forward.