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Thank you for the opportunity to provide this feedback.

I think we should have more bike lanes throughout Toronto - not fewer. Removing bike lanes to make more space for cars would be a waste of money and detrimental to the liveability of Toronto. We should be encouraging cycling as well as walking and the use of public transit rather than encouraging more cars.

I tend to drive my car to get around the city but I would consider cycling if I felt I could do it safely. For the moment there are no bike lanes where I live and I am not willing to risk cycling in the same lanes as fast moving cars and trucks . I view the gradual expansion of the network of bicycle lanes in Toronto as something to be proud of and something that makes Toronto a better place to live and work even though I am not yet participating as a cyclist.

Bike lanes are obviously critically important for the safety of cyclists- but they make life easier for drivers as well. Driving a car alongside a bike which is in a separate, dedicated bike lane is easy while driving a car and sharing the lane with cyclists is stressful and dangerous.

Cycling is better for our environment than driving cars; several bicycles can fit in the space of a single car - and considering that many cars on our roads are being driven to transport a single person, bicycles increase the volume of traffic that our roads can handle. Cycling is good exercise and therefore it seems logical that people are likely to be in better physical shape when they regularly ride a bike, which must have a measurable, positive impact in terms of reduced strain on our health care system.

I do not consider myself well informed as to the responsibility of our municipal government vs our provincial government when it comes to roads within the municipality but I am assuming the municipal government has jurisdiction. If Torontonians - as represented by the municipal government they have elected - decide to make bicycle lanes a priority, then the provincial government should respect that.

I agree that congestion of vehicular traffic on our roads is an issue, but I think that creating increased capacity for more cars within the city is only going to make this a bigger problem. I am certain that there are solutions other than more lanes for cars that will lead to better outcomes in terms of road safety, costs, and quality of life for citizens.

Please do not reverse the progress our city has made towards safer roads.