The proposed legislation that restricts new bike lanes or even removes existing bike lanes is awful.
Bike lanes have made streets safer and commute easier by encouraging people to travel by bikes instead of cars. Over the past few years, I have noticed a drastic increase of cyclists and less speeding cars on roads where bike lanes are present. It is a much more convenient way to move around the city. Even as a pedestrian, I feel much safer as cars are less likely to speed on these streets. Studies from within Canada and other countries have shown that promoting cycling and public transportation while discouraging use of cars alleviate traffic congestion effectively. Blaming cyclists and bike lanes would just worsen the problem. (As a comparison, traffic on all HWYs in GTA have significantly worsen over the past decade, are bike lanes also the cause?) It's upsetting that the Ontario province is ignoring the scientific evidence and expert advices to favor drivers, while at the same time putting minimal efforts addressing car traffic violations such as speeding that threaten street safety.
It is even worse that this legislation, in essence, is a severe violation to local democracy by forcing rules onto municipalities. Municipal councilors are elected by voters to represent LOCAL residents' will on LOCAL affairs. Bill 212 is totally disrespectful of that process. Or put it more vividly, it's RAPE to residents' will.
Based on the aforementioned, I urge the Ontario Government to reconsider this Bill.
Submitted November 18, 2024 7:29 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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