This is OUR city and it is…

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This is OUR city and it is NOT to the government of Ontario to decide what we do with our streets. We live here. Outsiders, such as Doug Ford, come with their SUV and other polluting cars. They rush in and out of our town, paying no attention to our life nor our health, so that, by the end of the day, they can return fast to their little places of paradise. They are not interested in our voice/wellbeing; they only want to collect our taxes and use our buildings. It is not important to them if cyclists and pedestrians are getting killed by their cars on our streets, and if our air is polluted. At the end of the day, they will rush back to their far-away suburbs where they want trees and birds, and to have pleasurable Bar-B-Qs because, Oh!, they so much like their green world. Let us have our trees and birds as well. Please preserve our health and our lives. Do not touch at our bike lanes.
There is so much work to be done to fight the climate problems of (today and) tomorrow. This is where investments should be made. Not in the destruction of bike lanes. Think about all our grand-children and what type of world we want to build for them.