As a bike rider for decades,…

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As a bike rider for decades, living downtown Toronto, I have felt considerably more safe with the installation of bike lanes. I move back and forth along Bloor St. quite a bit, and I'm happy to relieve traffic congestion by using my bike, and to contribute to healthier living by reducing car emissions and exercising my body at the same time. Please don't use the issue of congestion as a reason to go backwards and add more cars to these roads. Ripping out bike lanes would be a waste of money, increase congestion, and clearly would make bike riding more dangerous. Instead of dividing people on this issue, the government should be protecting people, and promoting the use of bicycles for all the obvious health factors and for reducing congestion. Please provide leadership that is forward thinking for all, in the bigger picture of safety and environmental factors, and reducing congestion by encouraging alternatives to driving cars in the downtown core. The rhetoric of the government right now promotes anger and division, cars against bikes, which can only lead to more anger and division and less safety.