I am concerned about all…

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I am concerned about all facets of this omnibus bill.

In cities the addition of bike lanes, even when lanes of car traffic are reduced is the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to reduce almost every problem with human transportation. It reduces pollution, it reduces maintenance costs, it improves the overall usability of the neighbourhood, and it encourages exercise. Bike lanes also majorly improve the safety of roads for everyone - including cyclists, pedestrians and even vehicle drivers and occupants.

Despite the misinformation shared by Balance on Bloor, bike lanes also are almost universally connected to more transactions for businesses along their routes, as cyclists are more likely to stop and explore local stores and restaurants, and the reduction of vehicular traffic makes the streets more pleasant for pedestrians to do the same.

Further than the bike lane issue, however, this act overreaches in its ability to take property from landowners who do not wish to sell, so long as the province plans to build a highway over that land. This is extremely unjust, and particularly offensive since the highway the Ford government wishes to build is entirely unnecessary and goes through sensitive Green Belt spaces.

A better plan would be to invest in allowing all cities and towns to allow them to build out their transit, pedestrian and cycling networks, as well as to fulfill the backlog of necessary road maintenance. If you wish to keep traffic moving better, you could also invest in better signal systems to reduce conflict between drivers and all other road users.

There is no "building" solution to gridlock. The only solution is to reduce reliance on personal vehicles - whether in Toronto or in any small, rural town.