Bicycle lanes are an essential part of any functioning modern city.
There have been design flaws and absurd inconsistencies in their implementation but they're in and that's what matters. The Province has NO business recklessly interfering in City business. The Premier's shady deals with developers and UBER are the cause of urban congestion, not bike lanes for city dwellers.
The Premier seems hell bent on destroying all of the things which, according to all the criteria and markers for successful, world-class cities, once put Toronto on the global map.
Doug Ford, like his brother before him, is an embarrassment and his corruption is OBVIOUS to all of us. Hands off Toronto!!!
Redirect the funds allotted to our city's destruction back into the Provincial budget for essential public services like HOSPITALS and EDUCATION and green space.
Shame on Doug Ford. Shame on the Province.
The responsibility for future deaths of more cyclists shall sit firmly and irrefutably on your shoulders if you proceed with this neanderthal plan.
Submitted November 19, 2024 1:53 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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